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Be a Sponsor!

"We too must inspire faith and bring people to Jesus.  But we leave the rest to the Holy Spirit to convict the person’s heart and bring Him to faith. What is required for the person is simply his humility and docility. " Archbishop William Goh, 9 May 2019

One direct way of answering this call of our baptism is to be a sponsor. 

A sponsor is a missionary disciple who accompanies others on a journey of openness to God.

If you feel called to SHARE your faith and journey with others,  we need you! 

A Sponsor is called to be...

Role of a sponsor

A sponsor is a missionary disciple who accompanies others on a journey of openness to God (cf.EG 44), trusting that God’s presence accompanies the sincere efforts of those who find encouragement and meaning in their lives (cf. EG 71).

Pope Francis, 2013. Evangelii Gaudium (EG), Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World.

Expectation of a sponsor

All those involved in the work of catechesis are role models of Catholic teachings and values. A sponsor is expected:

Requirements of a sponsor

If you 

Share these messages!

Share these messages with people who may be seeking the faith through your social media platforms. 

Here’s what you could do:

Dear Friend,

God continually calls us into a relationship with Him. 

This journey begins with you answering God's invitation to search. Go to to find out more.