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Be a Sponsor!
"We too must inspire faith and bring people to Jesus. But we leave the rest to the Holy Spirit to convict the person’s heart and bring Him to faith. What is required for the person is simply his humility and docility. " Archbishop William Goh, 9 May 2019
One direct way of answering this call of our baptism is to be a sponsor.
A sponsor is a missionary disciple who accompanies others on a journey of openness to God.
If you feel called to SHARE your faith and journey with others, we need you!
A Sponsor is called to be...
A Role Model: A Sponsor is responsible for “showing the catechumen/candidate how to practice the Gospel in personal and social life, to sustain the catechumen/candidate in moments of hesitancy and anxiety, to bear witness, and to guide the candidate’s progress in baptismal life”.
A Companion on the journey: Sponsors are people who have journeyed with a catechumen or candidate and are willing “to stand as a witness to the catechumen’s moral character, faith and intention”. Your Sponsor needs to be willing to attend each catechetical session with you and meet individually with you after class to ensure ongoing communication and support.
A Listening Ear: During this process of conversion, you may have doubts, fears, concerns, or feel hopeful, joyous, inspired, or perfectly content. Although the content can at times feel overwhelming, the Sponsor is meant to help you “unpack” what you’ve learned, assess your readiness for various stages of the RCIA.
A Participant alongside the catechumen/candidate during liturgical rites: the Sponsor will stand with the catechumen for the Rite of Acceptance/Election and during the reception of the Sacraments during the Easter Vigil. However, a Sponsor is also encouraged to be present during the entire period of instruction (the catechumenate), the periods of enlightenment and purification, as well as the period of mystagogy (ongoing faith formation and instruction following reception of the Sacraments).
Role of a sponsor
A sponsor is a missionary disciple who accompanies others on a journey of openness to God (cf.EG 44), trusting that God’s presence accompanies the sincere efforts of those who find encouragement and meaning in their lives (cf. EG 71).
Pope Francis, 2013. Evangelii Gaudium (EG), Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World.
Expectation of a sponsor
All those involved in the work of catechesis are role models of Catholic teachings and values. A sponsor is expected:
to love Christ and His Church;
to be a practicing Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church who participates fully in the communal worship and life of the Church;
to present a prayerful, positive, Catholic role model for others;
to have a basic understanding of the Catholic Church’s teachings - the RCIA Sessions are not a forum for personal beliefs not in conformity with these teachings;
to complete diocesan requirements for those in the RCIA ministry;
to comply with the Code of Conduct for Teachers of the Faith (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore);
to continue his/her own faith formation through participation at workshops, courses, retreats, bible studies or other avenues;
to work as a team with the Parish Priest, the Spiritual Director, the RCIA Coordinator, catechists, other members of the RCIA team, the pastoral staff and other clergy;
to make a good faith commitment to have excellent attendance with an earnest effort at securing a substitute and timely notification of co-sponsors and RCIA Coordinator when an absence is necessary;
to understand his/her obligation and responsibility to keep confidentiality;
to be prudent, punctual, flexible, be open and a good listener;
to never underestimate the power of prayer!
to make a good faith commitment to know and follow the OFC Guidelines for Sponsors in the RCIA Ministry;
to be able to relate well with others;
Requirements of a sponsor
If you
are 19 years and above
have received all the Sacraments of Initiation i.e. Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist
are a practicing Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church, lifestyle should bear witness to teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church i.e. living a sacramental life and is not in an irregular marriage or living a life of habitual sin
are ready to learn and share the Good News as well as the gift of faith
enjoy working with adults
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Share these messages with people who may be seeking the faith through your social media platforms.
Here’s what you could do:
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Save one or more of the images below into your mobile
You could attach that image and an accompanying message to your non Christian friends seeking the faith to go to For example,
Dear Friend,
God continually calls us into a relationship with Him.
This journey begins with you answering God's invitation to search. Go to to find out more.
Pray for that person and follow up with him or her to see if she has visited the website.