Become a Catechist
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
What does it take to be a Catechist?
Catechist / Catechetical Assistant
(Children and Youth)
19 years and above
Received ALL initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
Be a practicing Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church, lifestyle should bear witness to teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church
Ready to learn and transmit the teachings of the Catholic Church
Enjoy working with children, if you intend to be a Catechist for children and/or youth
Catechetical Trainee
(can be attached to FY - L6)
13 - 18 years
Received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist
Be a practicing Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church, lifestyle should bear witness to teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church
Ready to learn and transmit the teachings of the Catholic Church
Enjoy working with children
Expectations of those in the Catechetical Ministry
All those involved in the work of catechesis are role models of Catholic teachings and values. They are expected:
to be a practicing Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church who participates fully in the communal worship and life of the Church;
to present a prayerful, positive, Catholic role model for young people, families, and others;
to teach Catholic Church teachings; the Catechetical Session is not a forum for personal beliefs not in conformity with these teachings;
to complete diocesan requirements for those in catechetical ministry;
to comply with the policies for general conduct with children and youth defined in the document Keeping Communion (available upon request from Catechetical coordinators);
to comply with the Code of Conduct for Teachers of the Faith (Archdiocese of Singapore);
to continue his/her own faith formation through participation at workshops, courses, retreats, bible studies or other avenues;
to follow the curriculum set by the parish and to prepare sessions, organize activities, and seek assistance as needed toward that aim;
to work as a team with the Catechetical Coordinator, co-catechists, other members of the catechetical team, the pastoral staff, clergy and parents and to recognize that parents are the primary catechists of their children;
to be able to relate well with others, especially children, youth, and their parents;
to make a good faith commitment to know and follow the OFC Guidelines for Catechetical Ministries;
to make a good faith commitment to have excellent attendance with an earnest effort at securing a substitute and timely notification of co-catechist and Catechetical Coordinator when an absence is necessary;
to understand his/her obligation and responsibility to protect children and youth and agree to report known or suspected abuse of children or youth to appropriate Church leaders and state authorities in accordance with the Procedures outlined in the Keeping Communion and Policy and Procedure for Handling Sexual Abuse of Minors by the Clergy documents;
to never underestimate the power of prayer!
Recommended Courses
Foundational Course in Catechesis
The course is considered as an essential course that every catechist should attend. It provides fundamental knowledge, as well as, methodology on how to catechize and use OFC's curriculum effectively
Introduction to Catechetical Pedagogy & Catechetical Methods
Learning to Listen and Facilitate
Five Strategies for Living Out the Virtues
Basic Course in Catechesis
The course equips catechists with basic knowledge of the Bible, Liturgy and the Catechism to be able to engage candidates during catechetical sessions.
Liturgy – The Mass
Evangelization and Mission Workshop
Christian Anthropology
Introduction to Morality
In addition, catechists are required to attend the Archdiocesan Catechist Retreat organized by OFC or one of the following retreats:
Conversion Experience Retreat OR Youth Conversion Experience Retreat by Catholic Spirituality Centre
The First Spiritual Exercises Retreat by Kingsmead Centre.
Watchmen Retreat OR Labourers in the Vineyard Retreat by Office for the New Evangelisation
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Please refer to SACCRE for more details
Elective Course in Catechesis
Introduction to Virtues
Human Sexuality (Sexual Ethics)
Catholic Social Teaching (Social Ethics)
Liturgical Principles
Can I ask you something?
Introduction to Supporting Special Needs Catechesis
and more...
Craft of Catechesis Workshop
Planning Parent Formation
Planning First Reconciliation / First Holy Communion Retreat
Planning Confirmation Retreats for Youths
Introducing Visual Journaling in Catechesis
Managing Youths in Prayer Space
and more...
I'm keen to be a catechist, what's next?
OFC conducts courses, throughout the year, to help equip catechists with sufficient basic knowledge and methodology (pedagogy) on how to catechise, as well as, to use OFC's curriculum effectively.
Our recommendation is to complete the Foundational Course in Catechesis (FCC) and Basic Course in Catechesis (BCC). The timeframe to complete the FCC / BCC is 3 years, from the start of the first course.
In the meantime, we suggest contacting your Parish Catechetical Coordinator for a chat to find out more about being a Catechist.
You may consider downloading this form for submission, however, please check if your parish has its own version of the application form.
Eligibility for Access to Catechetical Exchange
Pre-requisites for access to Children’s Curriculum (Foundation Year 1 to Level 6): -
100% attendance met for FCC: Intro to Catechetical Pedagogy & Catechetical Methods (Children’s Track).
Participation during group work (Sessions 2 & 3)
Written reflection paper given out during FCC: ICP&CM course duly submitted.
Pre-requisites for access to Youth Curriculum (Level 7 to Level 10): -
100% attendance met for FCC: Intro to Catechetical Pedagogy & Catechetical Methods (Youth Track)
Participation during group work (Sessions 2 & 3)
Written reflection paper given out during FCC: ICP&CM course duly submitted
100% attendance met for FCC: Learning to Listen and Facilitate course
Highly Recommended requirement for Youth Catechesis:
Sufficient facilitators sent for FCC: Learning to Listen and Facilitate course based on proposed ratio of 12 youths to 1 facilitator as well as 100% attendance met for course by facilitators.
Participants who had previously completed Parish Team Training or Introduction to Catechetical Pedagogy (before 2015) need only attend the Catechetical Methods component of this module. Notwithstanding, participants are encouraged to attend the course as a refresher as new content has been added. If you need further clarifications, please drop us a mail at
Access to Catechetical Exchange
Click here for access.
If you have lost your access to the exchange, please email us at: