[ECC] Strategies for Supporting Special Needs Catechesis - Accommodation & Adaptations

2 Sessions

7:30 pm - 10:00 pm 


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm 

Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1259 Upper Serangoon Road

Singapore 534795


The elective aims to present catechists with a range of accommodations and adaptations that can be used to support catechists in special needs catechesis. As part of the course, participants will be guided to develop suitable strategies to support the children and youth in their catechetical spaces. 

The discussion about the strategies will be also situated in the context of their respective parishes so that the participants may also have ideas on how their parish communities can begin to support special needs catechesis beyond just their catechetical spaces. 



Jenny Lim - Manager, Special Needs

Jenny Lim, the manager for special needs from the Office for Catechesis. She has more than 30 years of experience in special education in a voluntary welfare organisation in Singapore before she joined OFC in 2021. Her professional qualifications include Certificate in Special Education (National Institute of Education), Diploma in Disability Studies (Centre for Disability Studies, Sydney) and a Master’s Degree in Health Sciences (University of Sydney). She is a special needs coordinator and catechist with the Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Anyone who would like to find out more about Catechesis for Persons with Special Needs as well as


Waived by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore

Notwithstanding the waiver of contribution fee, participants are required to register for all courses and events to assist us in the booking of appropriate rooms, the printing of materials and arrangement of tea and snacks, etc. In the event of foreseeable no-shows, we encourage participants to inform the office in advance to help prevent wastage of resources.

Registration Closes

Tuesday, 18 June 2024